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We have automated some of the steps in the processing of tour reports to better respond to your requests!

Tour Report Request Form

Some of the enhancements will be visible to you while most will not. The most notable of these changes is an updated tour report request form. To ensure you have the latest version, please download the new form directly from the website each time you wish to order tour reports. The order form must be saved as an Excel file (all Excel versions are acceptable). New features of the order form are designed to aid you in better completing the form and help us process your order more efficiently. Only orders submitted using this form will be processed.


Delivery Method

All orders for tour reports will be accessible online through a secure website. Download information will be e-mailed to customers once their order has been processed.

Packing Slip

Completed tour report orders will be accompanied by a new packing slip which will show the detail of the requested and fulfilled tour reports. This packing slip will replace the copy of the order form currently provided. If a requested tour report is confidential and has no finished drill date (FDD) provided on the packing slip, please refer to the “Confidential Wells List” on the AER website to monitor changes and updates to the release date, advising when the report will be available for reorder.

Key Contact

Please contact the CRC Service Desk at 403-297-6400 if
(a) you wish to edit or cancel previously submitted orders (note that there are limitations on when orders can be cancelled) or if
(b) you have any questions.

Guidelines for Ordering Tour Reports

The following are some tips to help you submit and receive tour reports:

  • All orders must be submitted using the tour report request form provided in Excel format.
  • Download the new tour report request form directly from the website each time you wish to order tour reports. Make sure you select the “enable macros” option each time, so that the form properly loads.
  • Save the new tour report request form as an Excel file (all versions will be accepted). There will be a transition period of 30 days during which you will be able to submit the older version of the tour report request form; after that period, only the newest version will be accepted by our system.
  • Complete the tour report request form in its entirety; any order missing information in the required fields will not be processed.

If you wish to cancel or modify your order in any way, please do NOT resubmit the same tour report request form, as the system will treat the second order as a duplicate and will not process it again. Please contact the CRC Service Desk at 403-297-6400 and they will assist you in editing or cancelling your current order.

  • Unique well identifiers (UWIs) should be listed in the space provided using the standard format: LE/LSD-Section-Township-Range-Meridian/ES. (00/00-00-000-00W0/0). Any UWIs not following this format will be considered invalid by the system and not fulfilled. The rest of your order will be processed as normal.
  • After submitting your order, any requests for additional tour reports should be submitted using a new tour report request form.
  • Delivery options are outlined in the order form. Please indicate your preference in the space provided.

To print the order form, highlight the cells to be printed. Select File : Print : Print Selection (the radio button within the Print What Area) : OK. We have not formatted the order form to print because tour report requests can have between 1 and 100 UWIs.

All orders require advance payment. The current price is $42 per report.

Tour reports obtained from the AER cannot be reproduced or resold without written permission from the AER. To obtain permission, the following information must be provided on company letterhead: company contact information, data required (tour reports), description of how the information/data will be used, date, and signature of authorized company representative.

If you have any questions about the tour report request form, please contact the CRC Service Desk at 403-297-6400 or e-mail @email