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For years, the Fort McKay First Nation and Fort McKay Métis have voiced concerns about air quality and odours from oil sands operations and questioned whether current monitoring, response protocols, and thresholds are adequate.

In September 2016, following a year-long study that reviewed these concerns, the Government of Alberta, the AER, and Fort McKay First Nation released a report that presented 17 recommendations to help reduce these concerns. Learn more about the study and its findings.

Progress to Date

Work to implement the report’s recommendations has begun and is expected to continue through 2020. This work is being done collaboratively by the Fort McKay Air Quality and Odours Advisory Committee—a multistakeholder committee that is co-chaired by the AER, Alberta Health, the Fort McKay First Nation, and the Fort McKay Métis, and that includes participants from Alberta Environment and Parks, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and industry.

About Fort McKay

Fort McKay is located 58 kilometres (km) north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, and is surrounded by oil sands operations. Eight open-pit and three in situ oil sands mining operations are located within a 30 km radius of the centre of the Fort McKay community, and more are being planned. These operations can affect air quality and contribute to odours in the community. Implementing the report’s recommendations will help reduce these concerns.

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