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IL 81-30: Experimental Schemes Involving a Large Array of Wells and Close Well Spacing

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Release Date: Dec 11, 1981

Experimental Schemes Involving a Large Array of Wells and Close Well Spacing

This letter outlines procedures in addition to those described in IL 80-23 with particular attention to matters of land use impact related to large numbers of wells and very close well spacing for oil recovery experimental operations.

Informational Letter IL 80-23 sets out the procedures and general expectations for public information requirements in experimental scheme applications in order to develop reasonable awareness of environmental and other impacts that may occur during an experimental operation. The current practice requires the proponent to obtain signed statements of agreement from each offsetting mineral owner and each nearby resident or landowner. Also, the procedure provides for keeping confidential detailed technical design information not needed for public awareness but considered of proprietary significance by the proponent of the experimental scheme.

The Board now finds that, for those schemes expected to involve the drilling of a large array of wells in settled agricultural land, the most appropriate manner of dealing with the application would be through simultaneous filing of an application for a change in well spacing in addition to the application for the experimental scheme. Applications should contain lists, or plats showing names and addresses of landowners and occupants, and identification of current land use in and adjoining the area of application. Details of topsoil stripping, clay or gravel placement, soil conservation and final reclamation should be included in the application.

Upon receipt of these completed applications, if the scheme is judged by the Board to be technically and environmentally sound, the Board will proceed to publish notice both with respect to the experimental scheme and the well spacing change. If no objections are received, the Board will then issue a spacing order and the approval for the experimental scheme.

Inquiries concerning the above revised procedures may be directed to Mr. Harry Lillo, Oil Sands Department, 261-3233.

DATED at Calgary, Alberta, on 11 December 1981.


<original signed by>

N. Strom
Board Member