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Change to the Reclamation Application Presubmission Requirements

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Release Date: July 23, 2018


The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has released a new edition of Application Submission Requirements and Guidance for Reclamation Certificates for Well Sites and Associated Facilities (SED 002). The main change is to landowner notification requirements. These changes are consistent with our process under the Responsible Energy Development Act and Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice.

Applicants no longer need to provide affected parties a copy of the application package a minimum of 30 calendar days before they intend to submit the application to us. Instead, as described in section 6.2.3 of SED 002, the same day an application has been submitted to us, the applicant must also provide all affected parties with a copy of the application package, including a copy of the public notice of application from our website.

These changes clarify when to file a statement of concern. These changes will also allow a single document package to be provided to landowners, interest holders, and occupants to ensure that all information is available in a single source.

Other clarifying changes have also been made as outlined in section 1.1, “What’s New.”

Note that these changes do not affect the ability of Albertans who are concerned about the operations of existing energy resources activities to make their concerns heard. Please see the “Have Your Say” page of our website for more information.

SED 002 is available on our website, For more information on us and our processes, please contact our Customer Contact Centre, Monday to Friday (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), at 1-855- 297-8311.

<original signed by>

Mark Taylor
Executive Vice President
Operations Division