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Publication of Debtor Registry

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Release Date: August 17, 2017


To provide more transparency about energy development activities, hold regulated companies more accountable for their actions, and drive industry to improve their performance, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has created a debtor registry, available through www., that lists the names of debtors and the amounts they owe the AER.

A debtor is any person, including an AER-regulated company, indebted to the AER for any costs, levy, fee, penalty, or other amount. The Debtor Registry currently shows amounts owed to the AER for the administrative levy and the orphan fund levy. In the future, the registry will be expanded to include all debts owing to the AER.

The Debtor Registry follows recent actions by the AER to collect on some debts by issuing a lien, under section 103 of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, to licensees and operators who have failed to pay the levy amounts owed to the AER.

The Debtor Registry will be updated monthly and any company that has paid its debt since the last update will be removed from the registry.
For more information about the registry, refer to the Oil and Gas Conservation Act or send an email to @email

The collections email address should also be used to contact the AER if you owe money to a debtor listed on the Debtor Registry, or hold or receive money or revenue on its behalf, or if you have any information that may assist the AER in collecting these debts.

<original signed by>

Gary Perkins
Vice President and Associate General Counsel
Law Branch