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Changes to Process for Transfer Application Decisions

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Release Date: July 24, 2017


Effective August 21, 2017, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has changed the decision process for transfer applications. Applications to transfer AER approvals from one approval holder to another will now be bundled for review, and there will be a standardized review period of 30 days before a decision is issued.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit all related applications and notifications for transfer at the same time. “Related applications” in this context means applications made under all of the AER-administered acts as submitted by one approval holder to transfer some, or all, of its approvals to another approval holder. “Transfer” in this context refers to the process for changing the name of the approval holder. The process varies somewhat according to the type of approval and act. Applicants are responsible for filing the appropriate information for each of the various types of approvals.

The AER intends to combine all related transfer applications, publish them on, and review them concurrently, regardless of whether they are received together or separately. This is in accordance with section 30(2) of the Responsible Energy Development Act.

Transfer applications will be subject to a standardized review period of 30 days. This ensures that the period for filing a statement of concern, as specified in the public notice of the application, has lapsed before a decision is issued. It also aligns with section 5.2(1) of the Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice. All applications will continue to be published on the public notice of application page on the AER’s website.

These changes to the decision process for transfer applications ensure that decisions on related applications are done concurrently. By processing all transfer applications related to a change of approval holder at the same time, the AER can concurrently manage approvals, which will result in it issuing a decision on related applications at the same time, as outlined in the Integrated Decision Approach.

The overall result is a consistent and transparent decision-making process that allows for stakeholder input on related applications at one time rather than as individual pieces.

NOTE: Systems for application submission, approval issuance, and intake for statements of concern remain unchanged.

For more information on the AER and its processes, please contact the AER Customer Contact Centre, Monday to Friday (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), at 1-855-297-8311.

<original signed by>

Brenda Cherry
Acting Executive Vice President