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Specified enactment directions address conservation and reclamation matters under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (section 137(2)(c)) and contain requirements that companies must follow. If not, we will enforce action through our compliance program.


Title Description Release Date
Specified Enactment Direction 001: Direction for Conservation and Reclamation Submissions

This specified enactment direction is separated into four parts and explains the following conservation and reclamation requirements:

  • project-level conservation, reclamation, and closure plan
  • predisturbance assessment information (preconstruction information)
  • conservation and construction plan
  • annual conservation and reclamation report
March 01, 2016
Specified Enactment Direction 002: Application Submission Requirements and Guidance for Reclamation Certificates for Well Sites and Associated Facilities

This specified enactment direction sets out the information required for a reclamation certificate application and provides guidance on how to adequately prepare the application.

The designated information submission system is OneStop.

March 20, 2019
Specified Enactment Direction 003: Direction for Conservation and Reclamation Submissions Under an Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act Approval for Mineable Oil Sands Sites

This specified enactment direction outlines submission and reporting requirements for Life of Mine Closure Plans, Mine Reclamation Plans, and Annual Reclamation Progress Tracking Reports under an EPEA approval for mineable oil sands.

December 18, 2018